Monday, June 6, 2011

Newborn Baby Football

Go Dad! Go!
Here's a new dad analogy: think of yourself as a running back and your newborn as a football (though unlike mine, yours may not be brown).
  • Protect the ball - you'll want to secure the ball with two hands.
  • Feel free to stiff arm anyone who tries to handle your baby without washing their hands (sorry, doctors' orders!)
  • No kicks, punts, or throws - as guys we love to throw and kick things (beers, keys, balls, almost anything).  Don't toss the baby!
  • Do not put the ball on the ground.  
  • Do not turn the ball over (onto its stomach) to sleep.
  • Sometimes you have to go out for a pass (or groceries or other errands).
  • Protect the passer (wife/mother of your child/ren).
  • Sometimes you need to carry the ball more to take pressure of the passer.
  • If you're an experienced veteran, mentor a rookie. Make the world a better place.

The best running backs in football don't just run with the ball, they're multifaceted - double/triple threats.  When they do run the ball, they protect it and don't lose it.  That sounds like a good start to being a good dad.

   - Clark's Dad

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