The Dads' Glossary

BRUBabies 'R Us

Catcher, The - another name for the OB/GYN in the delivery room He or she pretty much arrives during the last ten minutes of labor and delivery, squats down and catches your baby on the way out.  I have heard stories of babies being dropped, but I was assured that those incidents are few and far between.

Deliver My Baby Story - a juxtaposition of the names of various labor and themed delivery show on television.  A general reference to any of these shows.

MBAing - the dads graduated from UCLA Anderson ('007).  The school promotes an quantitative analytical approach to management decisions making.  Thus, to us MBAing something is solving a problem or answering a question by analyzing the quantitative data.  Harvard Business School (HBS) Alums are probably more prone to qualitative analysis, because that's how they're taught to analyze problems (I hear).

Milk Faced - 1. after a good dose of hindmilk, often babies looks pretty wasted, like they are drunk on mom's milks.  2. Synonyms: Chocolate Wasted (clip from Sandler's 'Grown Ups), Pudding Faced (clip from Jello ad), F^cked up, and Sh!tfaced - as a result of drinking (breast) milk.

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacture

RAZR, The - as in the Morotorla RAZR, the flip cellphone.  In Clark's Dad's opinion, the RAZR was the greatest non-smart phone ever.  It was perfect for it's purpose and context. An MBA might call it being on the Efficiency Frontier.  Additional features would not be an improvement, but a detriment.  Any non-smart phones that came after the RAZR, even the next generation of RAZR phones, fruitlessly added features to try to be better, but to no avail.  You can't do better than the RAZR.  You can't outdo a tools that's perfect for the job it does.  So the expression refers to something that has all the right features, and is best amongst it's competitors.

TRU - Toys 'R Us (By the way, what every happened to Geoffrey the Giraffe, their old mascot?)

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