Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Breast Feeding is Magic

Breast feeding resembles magic, not illusion, slight of hand or misdirection, actual magic.  This is mostly because of the black box that is a woman's breast.  Basically, you can't see what's going on in there.  Milk just appears.  You don't really understand how they work, they just do.  They didn't used to have milk in them, now they do.  One day they won't anymore. Ta-Da!!!

As far as breast-feeding goes, the problem is that there is really important information that is unavailable to you:

How much milk is in there?
How long does it take to refill?

and most important:
How much milk did the baby just drink?

With bottle feeding you get all of this information.

Sometimes Clark cries like he's starving and hasn't been fed all week, when he's just eaten ten minutes ago.  Clark's Mom doesn't know if he just hasn't gotten any milk (is there any milk in there?) or just hungry again, maybe a growth spurt.  It's so frustrating.  Sometimes when this happens, I'll offer him some pumped milk in a bottle.  Sometimes he'll chug it down like a starving baby in the desert, other times, he turns it down (no thanks, I'm not hungry) -  Why are you crying, then?! Why you cryin'?

It would be awesome if mother's breasts were transparent or had gauge like the gas tank in your car.  Unfortunately, they don't.  It's just magic. The milk just comes out and your baby (yes, your baby, not you dad) drinks until he stops.  But did he stop because he was full or because the pump was empty.  Does he need a burping?  Arrrgggghhh!

     - Clark's Dad

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