Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thankful for the Noises Babies Make

I wrote this on Clark's first night home (04/23/2011):
I sit here with my baby boy on the second night of his life.  This time at home, no hospital, no nurses. His mom is trying to get some sleep before her ravenously hungry son needs to nurse again.  I'm so happy for all the strange little noises he makes while he sleeps.

The idea of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is the scariest thing in the world to most new parents.  You worry that one moment your child is alive, you turn your head and he's dead.

On Clark's first night home I laid him down for the first time in his crib.  I proceeded to turn off the lights and try to get some sleep.  Lying there in darkness and silence, I was scared as hell.  I couldn't see or hear my child.  What if SIDS got him already?!  I better check. No, I better stand guard!   Then it happened, Clark's little body started making noises as he slept, letting me know he was alive.  When I turned the lamp on, I noticed he was like a ventriloquist.  The sounds came from his mouth, but his lips never moved.  Thanks goodness for the noises babies make.

     - Clark's Dad


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