Friday, June 3, 2011

Contractions Starting! Don't Go for that Walk!

Don't Walk!

I've watched a lot of TV in my day.  The idea of having a woman who is having contractions take a walk to move things along when the delivery process is stalled is pretty recent for television.  Ricky never suggested Lucy take a walk around the block or laps around the maternity ward while having contractions. Dr. Huxtable never suggested that to a patient. The "Baby Delivery Stroll" concept spread with the proliferation of the "Delivery My Baby Story" genre.

Women (and men, myself included) watched these shows and got the idea that women should take The Stroll to help expedite dilating the cervix.  This is probably related to the fact that hospitals will often send a woman experiencing contractions home if her cervix is dilated less than 5 or 6 inches.  Not wanting to go home and come back again, mothers and TV producers look to find a way to hurry things along.

Does it work? Maybe.  That time would be better spent resting.  Her doctor will give her parameters and directions on when to head to the hospital. It's not called "labor" as a euphemism.  It can be very long and tiring.  So if a woman can get some rest before pushing time, she will be in a much better disposition. Going for a walk will just expend much needed energy.  Nature and probably Pitocin will handle the time of delivery.

I was lucky enough to learn from our baby delivery class that if a pregnant woman tells you she is feeling contractions tell her, "Relax! Try to get some rest! It could be a long night!  You're going to need your energy!"

     - Clark's Dad


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