Once you get into prenatal health care and baby classes you are inundated with information on why breast milk is the best thing in the world for your baby. It is this golden serum that remedies everything from orthodontic problems, to allergies and childhood obesity*. Breastfeeding even revs up mothers' ability to lose pregnancy weight sooner and may increase the IQ of the child.
In fact breast milk is so impressive that the labels on containers of baby formula
laud its benefits. Have you ever seen another product that declared its zero priced competitor a superior product? 
Young mothers tend to be the least financially stable. Why pay for formula (which is far from cheap - @ $100/mo.) My philosophy is "Max Out the Free S#@t First." With this, plus all the benefits already mentioned why do young mother seem to not be on board with breast feeding?
- Clark's Dad
*Facts from Medela Website (potentially biased, but well referenced and cited.)
Brilliant put Big K! Its so wonderful to hear a mans perspective on such an emotionally charged issue! Thanks for putting this out there!
Ironically, formula is free if you openly admit to the pediatrician that the mother breastfeeds. You get inundated with free samples. Most of the time, the free samples went bad before I could use them up.
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