Speaking of circumcisions, from the experience with my son, I wished they were still performed at the hospital. At the time of his circumcision, my wife's milk had come in and the baby was starting to eat/poop/pee fairly regularly. He was gaining weight and sleeping well. All of that went out the window after the circumcision.
At that point you have no idea if your baby is hungry, wet, soiled, cold or just feeling the pain from his circumcision. It will all run together because (it was explained to me by a lactation consultant) the breast milk has pain relieving something something in it. The baby will suckle at the breast more than usual in an attempt to self medicate. It would have been way better had this taken place sooner (at the hospital) than later (at the doctor's office).
This was the first time I made it to the (S) - Sucker in PUBGEMS. My son Clark wouldn't stop crying, even after being changed, fed and swaddled, even medicated (infant Tylenol
- Clark's Dad
Those recommendations about waiting to use the pacifier are to prevent nipple confusion. By the tone of your blogs, your baby/mama pair are both committed to breastfeeding with the full support of Daddy. No nipple confusion can really get in the way of well educated & determined parenting. Don't sweat any rules you read about parenting. The baby didn't read the manual & at the end of the day Momma and Daddy know best!
It has to be a medical decision. There needs to be proper education about the method.
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