Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby Toys and Batteries

Don't forget me!
Every baby toy I've encountered thus far comes "batteries not included".   So you'll need to stock up on batteries. Most baby related products that need batteries have battery covers that are screwed down. This is a bit of a pain, but it's to prevent small children from getting to the batteries.  Otherwise, they'd try to eat them like odd shaped candies and choke, as they are apt to do with anything that gets close to their mouths.

Once you unscrew the battery cover, you'll discover an oddity. In my entire life I can only recall devices taking an even number of batteries (e.g., 2, 4, 6, etc.).  Throw that out the window.  Most of the toys and battery operated baby distractions for our child require an odd number of batteries.   To quote Kenan Thompson's character on SNL "What up wit that?"

For example: the musical night light attached to the Clark's playard requires 3-AA batteries (that's 4.5 volts for you science majors.)   Why not four batteries?   His baby rocker requires one D battery [there's a Do The Right Thing reference in there somewhere]).  Why not two batteries?  This necessitates awkward battery purchases and storage, as batteries are only sold in even numbers.

I mention these things as just somethings to be aware of, just another eccentricity of new parenthood.

       - Clark's Dad

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