Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Expectant Father's Thoughts Nearing the Finish Line

(At 38 weeks and 4 days)

Waiting for the egg to hatch
You ever played baseball? Right now, the birth of my first son is imminent. Each minutes feels like standing at home plate against a hard thrower wondering what pitch he's going to throw at you.   Is it going to be a fastball again or an off-speed pitch?   Inside or outside? High or low? You know something is coming, but you're not exactly sure what it's going to be like when it happens?

Maybe it's more like waiting for a jury to return a verdict: waiting for your fate to be decided and it's no longer in your hands.   You also don't know when they'll return and you'll have a very short notice when they do. Either way, things are going to be very different.

I'm waiting for the most important package I'll ever receive, but I don't know when the package is going to be delivered.  I've been given an expected delivery date, but it could arrive sooner or later than expected.

My beautiful big bellied wife looks like she's about to pop.   The bun is baking, but not yet ready to come out.

I woke up this morning after a crazy dream.  I rubbed my wife's belly.  As I did, she said, "I guess things are going to be different around here."  "They sure are," I replied.

          - Clark's Dad

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