Thursday, September 15, 2011

Signs That You Need to Change a Newborn's Diaper

As a new dad,  if your baby is breast-fed, you will probably be surprised that that your baby's soiled diapers don't stink. They smell more "funny" than bad, and the smell can be very faint. Sorry, formula dads, you don't get this benefit. Without the smell, how do you now when to change the diaper?

Diapers are not transparent and don't have indicators like changing colors (which would be cool). Before you set your baby on the changing table or other baby furniture, it can be difficult for new dads to know when their newborn has wet or soiled their diaper.

Here are a few signs to look for
  1. There's what I refer to as the baby cod piece.  If a baby wets his diaper, the modern super absorbent diaper soaks up the liquid and swells up.  The baby then appears to have a cod piece on.

  2. A funny smell, which you will eventually recognize as the smell of (breast fed) baby poop, is a strong indicator of a soiled diaper.

  3. The sign requiring the most immediate attention is any poop trying to make an escape from the diaper.  The most likely escape routes are the top back of the diaper and around the legs.

  4. Crying, accompanied by one or more of the above.

  5. Sounds of flatulence, squirting, or wet bubbling coming from inside the diaper

If you think your baby has wet or soiled their diaper, don't change it right away. You probably want to wait at least 5 minutes.  Baby may be mid pee or poop. Changing the diaper at the moment may result in you getting peed or pooped on in the process.  You may have to change the diaper again because someone wasn't finished before you put on a new diaper.

     - Clark's Dad


Bose said...

Thanks a lot for the signs for the Newborn Baby! very informative! Lisa

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