Monday, September 10, 2012

Hey, Where Have You Guys Been?

Welcome Back

Where have we been? Good question. Well technically we, The Dads, haven't gone anywhere. Yes, we haven't written an article in a while. We are still experiencing the "joys" of fatherhood each and everyday.  We just haven't had much time to share and write about them.  

Specifically for me, my son Clark became mobile and started to crawl.  My whole life, my whole style of life changed.  No longer could I place Clark somewhere and he would be happy to stay there, while I got a little work done.  He can move on his own and isn't happy unless he's doing so. He's not much of a TV watcher (the opposite of his dad at that age according to grandma).  He's constantly finding new places and things to get into around the house.  He'd must rather explore cabinets that he's not allowed in than to play with any of his toys.  

All this mostly means, chasing what is now a 16 month old boy around all day for fun (and his protection), doesn't leave much time for writing.  He's down to one nap a day (3 hrs, yea!) and an 8 PM bed time.  So hopefully, I'll get a little more writing done in the future.  I look forward to catching up and sharing my stories with you. 

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