Besides what I was "trapped" into buying, my wife and I also received baby clothes as gifts. By the time my son Clark was born, there were plenty of outfits we couldn't wait to take pictures of him wearing. We imagined the places we would take those pictures, and how wonderful they would be.
Well, the problem is once your baby is born the clock on fitting into NB/0 or Newborn size starts ticking. The size of your baby at birth is the biggest factors, but those newborns sure do grow quickly. Before you know it, those super cute outfits are getting rather snug on your "little" one.
There are going to be many sleep deprived nights once you bring home your new bundle of joy. You are not going to want to go out anywhere. Plus, many parents consciously choose to not leave the house with their new babies for quite a while. There may be the occasional visitors that inspire you to dress up junior before he or she spits up or poops their way out of the outfit. Therefore, there may not be very many occasions for you to dress up your little bundle in all those cute clothes you bought (or received). There will definitely be fewer than you expect.
Clark wore mostly his short sleeve white onesies (it's hot in Vegas) around the house with a few cuter onesies in rotation. He weighed over 8 lbs at birth. He started outgrowing size NB at three weeks and 0-3 mo at around 2 months.
- Clark's Dad