Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Three Family Trip Tips for Dads

So, you’ve decided to use your vacation time to go on a trip with your family. Taking a trip with your family to Disney World won’t be quite as relaxing as taking at trip with your spouse to Hawaii or as fun as taking a trip to Vegas with your buds. However, it can be very enjoyable. Here are three tips to help you get the most out of your family trip:

1. Buy each of your children a new toy before you leave – Being able to bring new toys with them on the trip will help captivate their interest, so they focus less on how boring the car ride is or how turbulent the flight is. Plus, it will increase their excitement about the trip, which means they’ll be a little less likely to complain when things go wrong.

2. Be consistent – No means no, not maybe. Lay down the ground rules for the trip, and stick to them. Your kids will try to get away with a little more than they try to at home on the trip. You probably don’t want to spend your vacation time disciplining your children, but it’s sometimes a necessary evil to keep them safe. So, enforce the rules, and make sure you and your spouse (if your spouse is traveling with you) are consistent about what you both expect. If the kids know you’re a softie, they’ll ask mom if they can ask ice cream, and when she says no, they’ll ask you. Don’t give in!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Protecting Your Baby from the Cord Monster

There’s nothing more annoying than tripping over bunches of wires in your own home, as if falling afoul of some masochistic booby trap. Sooner or later, it’ll result in a serious injury. Between the trip hazards and the electric shock risk, having loose cabling all over the house is not safe, especially if you have a young children at home.

There are a number of precautions you can take when setting up your cabling. The first – and perhaps most obvious – step to take is to buy wire tidies and label them. You can keep track of each appliance this way, without having to run your hands along lengths of knotted cabling.

Another precaution is to try to avoid having to run wires across the room if possible. If you have to, bury them under the carpet or attach them to the wall. You can get all the necessary bits of kit for attaching wires to the wall (as well as browsing cables) at rs-online.co.uk.